Thursday, 20 November 2008

A little update! (20th November '08)

Will I be this happy at the end of the Channel? Or will I need one of these rings midway through?!

Someone said to me the other day that nothing much happens on my blog! Sorry...... I thought it might be boring to post my training updates but maybe not.......?!

When I last wrote I was trying to find a squad to join to enable me to get more constructive sessions in - rather than plodding up and down a pool on my own. Well, I have been quite lucky in finding a gym which is on my way home - in Denton... (an Esporta gym). They have two sessions a week 0n a Monday & a Thursday which are pretty tough. I must admit that they don't compare to the sessions I used to do, they are not as long and probably not as tough. But, I think they are pretty good - I'm always exhausted afterwards. I tend to do half and hour or so in the gym first so that contributes to my fitness. I am starting weights tonight so from now on I will do some running / cycling, followed by weights, followed by swimming on Mon & Thursdays..

On Wednesdays I have been going to Stockport Central where they have, once again, a rather exhausting session. They are all part of a 'masters' scheme which is mostly made up of ex-GB swimmers.... hence the sessions being quite hard. I am trying to make sure I do two forms of excercise every week day.... ie: I cycle most days at 5.30am unless I'm going to be going to gym before swimming that night!... I am feeling pretty good and slowly feeling the fitness picking up.

Socially I think I've been good too! I have pretty much stopped drinking in the week altogether. I have a couple of drinks over the weekend unless there is a big party scheduled! I know December is going to be a bit hectic, obviously, with Christmas parties etc but I'm justyfying any drinking by being really good beforehand! Offering to be the 'designated' driver helps a lot.... it's rather boring but it's not forever! As I'm sure I've mentioned before, from the 1st January I will stop drinking until I have crossed the Channel.

This coming Monday I am going to try and do a 3/4hr swim at Esporta gym. I will take some energy gels and will only stop to feed / drink every hour or so. I will keep going unless my shoulder starts to ache. I don't want to take any uneccessary risks at this stage. The plan is to try and increase this distance / time every couple of weeks and then do a 10/12 hour swim indoors at some point in the beginning of the New Year.

So apart from my training update, there is not much else to let you know. I will post updates when I've done my indoor 'longer' swims to let you know how much I managed.

Hope this is sufficient for those of you that are interested in my progress!

Thanks again to everyone who has given me support up to now. WEZIMBABWE are so pleased with the current donations (already £525). I am really proud of this amount, considering that my swim is still 8months away. Sounds like a long time but as each week passes my nerves grow, time is flying by!

Thank you & 'watch this space'!!! x

1 comment:

ZimHippo said...

my my 10/12 hour swims, that is ambitious, I don't think I ever got over 8 hours in my training swims and all those were at least in the ocean. If you can do a 10 hour swim in a pool then I think you are 70% of the way there because that must be REALLY boring. (how many lengths is that. I think I managed about a 2 and a half hour session in the pool once. the thing that got to me is the heated pools really killed me. Anyway I will think of you when I am in Zim and SA

Fond regards and respect for your challenge
